Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gotta Pixel's Twisted Pixels Challenge for April

April's Twisted Pixels Challenge over at Gotta Pixel features a template created by Isabel Mendez of Crisdam Designs. At the end of the month they will be giving a $5 coupon to Crisdam Design's store to one lucky participant, chosen via Random.Org! All you have to do to be eligible for the drawing is post your take on the template.

The rules of the challenge are to use the template, and also include the following features in your layout:

1. Make at least 1 cluster of elements on your page.
2. Include some stitching.
3. Include an animal/bird/or insect on your page.
4. At least 10 words of journaling.

The template and my take on it are both pictured below. Feedback is always welcomed!

Template by Isabel Mendez of Crisdam Designs

You Are My Sunshine
 The kit I used for this page is called Hello Sunshine by Aprilisa Designs.  As far as I can find this kit is no longer available for purchase but you can find Aprilisa Designs Shop at Gotta Pixel and it is filled with tons of great stuff.  This particular kit was perfect for these photos. It's bold but muted colors were the perfect balance for these really vibrantly colored pics of my daughter Olivia.  The template worked really well because it allowed me to use multiple pics and provided space for a bit of journaling which was necessary for this page because as great as these pictures are by themselves the story behind them is just too great not to capture! 

Thanks for having a peek! ~Becca

Friday, April 13, 2012

Let's Get Sketchy! Challenge 6

My friend Melinda is on Design Team B over at Let's Get Sketchy! They have a weekly sketch challenge there and each week they have a "Featured" layout from the current week’s entries. In addition to the featured layout, they also announce their Design Team’s TOP 3 choices. If you enter at least two layouts a month you are eligible to win their monthly prize. I thought I would give it a go. My entry for this weeks challenge plus the sketch it was based on are below. Feedback is welcomed!

Sketch Layout


I have had a page brewing in the back of my head since the hilarious conversation occurred that I added in my journaling above.  I also knew the exact kit I wanted to use for it.  Considering the topic, Irene Alexeeva's kit Fashion Passion was a perfect fit! Irene Alexeeva is one of my very favorite designers.  I am sad to say though that she JUST retired a little over a week ago and her designs, which used to be for sale at Scrap Orchard are no longer available. As I said though, this kit was just the thing for this page and the sketch from Just So Sketchy's Challenge 6 let me lay everything out nicely.  I ended up flipping the layout vertically in the end. I wanted the jounaling to be the first part of the design that you focused on and so I wanted it to start on the left.  My instinct is to always read left to right since that is how we are taught in school and so flipping the layout was my solution.

Thanks for having a peek! ~Becca

Thursday, April 12, 2012

PageMaps Sketch Contest

Becky over at PageMaps is hosting a Sketch Contest.  The prize is the complete collection of Bo Bunny's brand new line, Alora from My Scraps & More! I am adding both the sketch and my take on it below.  I would love to have your feedback!

Sketch Layout

My Favorite Things
The kit I used to create this layout is called My Lucky Star and it is by Jayaprem's Hangout over at Scrappity-Doo-Dah.  She just retired as a designer, so I don't think you can get her kit any longer. I have really been into clustering lately and the kit was a perfect match for these pictures in color and also allowed me a lot of fun elements to play around with.  

Thanks for having a peek! ~Becca